These beautiful coats are great for any type of dog. Please be sure to follow the measuring instructions. Click for MEASUREMENT INSTRUCTIONS. Returns/exchanges will be accepted at your postage expense. (e.g., You pay to return the garment and pay the postage on the replacement and any extra charges for a larger size priced garment.)

Show off your dogs in these wonderful one-piece coat kilts. They are very easy to put on even a reluctant dog with just one strap to be buttoned. They were made in England of 100% wool, and must be dry cleaned or cleaned with the Dryel home dry cleaning product.

ROYAL STEWART KILTS – Priced by size in American Funds









You can order the kilts by using the Paypal buttons above or by going to our Ebay store (; or you can go to and pay to our email address:

 If you have any questions, please email Carole Beaudry .

Prices are in American dollars.  Shipping is included in USA only. All other, PLEASE CONTACT US for shipping rate OR order through the Ebay store where appropriate shpping can be automatically calculated.  FREE SHIPPING WITHIN THE USA*

 If you prefer to mail in your order, please email Carole Beaudry with your order details. She will then hold it until your check is received. Send the check to: Carole Beaudry, 8820 Tavistock, Plymouth, MI 48170.