Ava is 3.5 years old and from Switzerland. She is well cared for and up on all shots. She has a Vet appointment but they will not be seeing well dogs until 5/1/20. So we will wait.
She is being surrendered because the owner is caring for her 90 year old Mother in her Mother’s apartment/condo. The Westie is young and has so much energy that she isn’t doing well. The owner is a new Grandmother of kids in the UK and she wants to move there. Her life plans have changed since she got her and she feels the Westie deserves a better life with a yard and another play mate.

Ava and foster brother Winston seem to be hitting it off nicely!!!!
We had an update from Foster mom which we will share with you. We thought it would be good to let everyone know a bit more about fostering. Many people think it is just a matter of babysitting, but it is a lot more than that. The dog lives in the foster home for a minimum of a month. This lets us get to know the dog, get medical and grooming done, and discover many issues that may not be immediately obvious. (In the time of COVID19, the foster care time is going to be longer as medical and grooming are likely to be delayed.) Often, the dog’s personality and various quirks don’t come out in the first couple of weeks. It takes time for them to settle in and get comfortable enough to show their real self.
Ava is a typical foster dog…very good girl but with some issues that need to be dealt with. To the extent we can, we “fix” the issues; to the extent we can’t completely fix the issues, we identify them and discuss them with potential adopters. You can see from this report, that this is happening with Ava.
Our goal is to make an ideal placement between the foster dog and new family, but our priority is always to the dog first, no matter how long an applicant has had an application on file.
From Foster mom
Ava has no concept of being in your way and she got between my feet and tripped me causing me to fall on my left hip and forearm. Luckily, I didn’t hit my head. I’ve been all out of whack but am slowly getting better. We weren’t walking last week which set us back on learning.
We have started back walking with a Gentle Lead harness and a regular harness on her as she fights to get it off. She is doing better.
The thunderstorms last night set her off into a frenzy and I was up at 3:00 AM until 6:30 AM. She would not stop barking so I let them out then had to dry them off. I finally got her to settle with two melatonin. I am learning that when she is whining, I must talk to her in a regular voice and try to get her close enough to me to pet her. This seems to help her calm.
She is very high strung but sweet if you can get hold of her. LOL. She also growls at you if you touch her, so I’ve been picking her up during the day and looking out the window with conversation. Her eyes flick back and forth as she is so nervous. I think she sees much better than Winston (the Westie in the home). She does not like the Composure Pro and won’t even take it in her mouth. This is the first time I have ever had a dog that does not gobble them down. The only way I get the melatonin down her is to use baby food meat on a spoon and hide them in it. She sees Winston eat his and she eats hers. I do this before meals, and it is working out.
Another thing that calms her just like a baby is a car ride. LOL. Every other day we go for a ride and that is more touching and lifting for her to get accustomed too. Boy, does she have some strong back legs.
She is losing weight and self-regulating her food intake. I think she feels better and flies around the yard without a care. She hunts constantly. She has dug some holes. One by the step going into the garage. There is a family of snakes under there and she wants them!
New update: Foster mom is very pleased with the progress Ava has made. She has settled down and is no longer so nervous. She is learning some basic home obedience things and just doing so much better.
July 15, 2020 Miss Ava has found a new home where she will be learning obedience and scent work with her new mom! Hooray for Ava!
TJ was surrendered on 02/13/2020 when his owner was evicted from their home. He is 14 years old. He had not received any medical attention in several years. He had matted fur over much of his body. We brought him up to date on his shots immediately and he was shaved so we could assess any other problems. He has had his teeth cleaned, a microchip inserted, and his medical is basically done. He initially had some anxiety but that is resolving. He is now sleeping in a crate, living with other dogs and cats and doing very well. He does not currently show signs of allergies. He is settling in better every day.
ADOPTED: After a month in foster care, TJ found his new home.

This 8 year old boy was a stray in the Saginaw area. He just came into Rescue (6/13/20) and hasn’t been named yet. He is friendly and seems to be fitting in well with the foster family’s Westie. He badly needs grooming and medical care although the shelter was very good about taking care of immediate medical needs. He will be in foster care for at least a month, perhaps longer. With today’s requirements, it will take longer than normal to get just basic things done. But he has already had a bath and taking his meds if well hidden!
After a couple of days in care, Hershey was able to get in to a vet. He has a lot of issues to take care of. His skin issues are bad. He isn’t eating much and isn’t keeping much down. He seems to have dry eye. His ears look okay. As miserable as he is physically, he is a gem, friendly and loving. We hope to get things under control quickly so he can start healing.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, Hershey was sick from the start. After spending some time a Michigan State, he was diagnosed with cancer which was far enough along that it wasn’t treatable. We were sad to say goodbye to Hershey but glad that we were able to get him off the street, out of the shelter and into a loving home for the last few days of his life.
Winston is 9 years old. He was owned by someone who could no longer take care of him. The second owner decided that they just did not have enough time for him. The third owner already had two dogs and didn’t want three. So Winston was surrendered to Westie Rescue. So far, he has been a little charmer. He has been well-behaved and has played well with the Westies he has met. Foster mom reports that he needs a dental and will be making arrangements for his medical care right away. She will also get him groomed so we can show you a “cleaned up” version of this little guy.
Winston has been adopted!!
Newton is 10 1/2 years old. He came to us because the young children in the home were acting like children sometimes do and Newton was taking the brunt of the behavior. His owners were afraid he was going to be driven to bite. They decided it would be best to give him up and let him find a home without children who would give him a calm and happy life.
Newton arrived in care in relatively good shape. He needs a good grooming badly and his ears may be infected. But other than that, he seems healthy. He will go to the vet right away and hopefully get a good grooming too. (With COVID, getting appointments can be difficult but he will get in to the groomer as soon as possible.) In the meantime, he is living with a foster mom and foster brother. And they are all getting along very well together. Newton is a little guy (13#). He needs some leash training but overall he seems to be a nice little gentleman.
If you are interested in adopting, look at the menu tab above “ADOPT” to read about the process, find an application to fill out and send in. You can only be considered if you have an approved application on file. He will be in care for a minimum of one month, longer if any issues turn up. Newton after Grooming
Newton has seen the vet and been groomed. He has infected ears which were packed and are now in the process of healing. He will be getting a dental towards the end of the month and a couple of bumps on his head will be investigated while he is under. Newton has been an excellent house guest getting along well with the resident dog and behaving very well with humans. His foster mom is working on the smaller things such as walking nicely on leash. We expect he will be ready to place in October. Newton has gone to his new home.
Allie and her “brother” Wyler, arrived in Rescue together. Their owner was concerned that they might overwhelm another dog in the home. (They do state that they have never done anything to hurt the dog so we aren’t altogether clear on the situation.) Allie is 12 years old. She seems to be a very nice young lady. We will be doing our best to get a better photo and hopefully to get her groomed soon. She will also see the vet very soon. As we have time to get to know them, we will give more updates especially on Facebook.
10/5/20 update from Foster home: Allie was born 10/16/09 and is a very healthy girl! All her blood work has come back great! She has now been updated on all her shots. She is a sweetheart! She is use to having a doggie door and free feeding and is getting a little more structure in foster care. She is housebroken and getting two meals a day. She is a straight soft fur westie. Allie prefers to snuggle on the couch as to running in the yard of course unless there is a squirrel in which case her hunting instincts kick in! She follows her foster mom everywhere! She has a very relaxed demeanor!
Allie has been adopted!
Wyler is Allie’s “brother”. They arrived together and both seem to be very nice dogs. They are in the same foster home at this time and are just in the process of settling in. As we get to know them, we will give more information on their health and behavior.
10/5/20 update from Foster home: Wyler was born 01/17/10 and is a very healthy boy! All his blood work has come back great and he is now updated on all his shots! Wyler is an energetic boy with a strong powerful body and a strong will to match! He has a very nice disposition and absolutely loves being in the yard hunting! Wyler came from an environment with a doggie door and free feeding so he is learning a bit more structure in foster care. He goes to the door when he needs to eliminate and is housebroken. He also is getting two meals a day. He is crate trained.
Wyler has been adopted!